District Board Policy

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This manual contains policies governing the operation of this District.

The policies are included because they are required by law or by the Texas Education Agency; because they are recommended by the Texas Association of School Boards as essential to effective District governance and management; or because the Board wishes to make a statement in a particular policy area.

This Localized Policy Manual was created with the assistance of TASB Policy Service and adheres to certain structural conventions. The most visible of these conventions is the presence of separate (LEGAL) and (LOCAL) policies at many policy codes. This separation, described in greater detail below, serves to help all users-whether members of the public or members of the Board-distinguish between the requirements of an extensive body of school law and the policy determinations of the local Board.; Policy BE(LEGAL), for instance, recites statutes and case law governing meetings of the Board, while policy BE(LOCAL) adds a local dimension (agenda preparation, meeting time/place, and the like). To fully understand policy regarding Board meetings, therefore, the manual user should consider both the (LEGAL) and the (LOCAL) policies together.

This policy manual and its updates are provided for educational purposes only to facilitate a general understanding of the law or other regulatory matter. This information is neither an exhaustive treatment on the subject nor is this intended to substitute for the advice of an attorney or other professional advisor. Consult with your attorney or professional advisor to apply these principles to specific fact situations.


The District's manual is organized on the same basis as the TASB Policy Reference Manual. There are seven sections, each devoted to a separate area of District governance:

  1. Basic District Foundations
  2. Local Governance
  3. Business and Support Services
  4. Personnel
  5. Instruction
  6. Students
  7. Community and Governmental Relations
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