In May 2014, the constituents of Jim Hogg County ISD overwhelmingly supported a $14 million Bond proposal. Projections at that time indicated that a Bond referendum in the amount of $14 million would require an Interest & Sinking (I&S) tax rate increase of about $0.17455 per $100 valuation by 2014. The rate increase would allow for a total tax rate of $0.2946 per $100 valuation. In September 2014 and in January 2015 accordingly, JHCISD sold the $14 million in bonds at a competitive interest rate made possible after Fitch Ratings assigned a "AAA" rating –the highest possible—to the $14 million in JHCISD school building bonds. Fitch Rating stated that the key element for the "AAA" rating included concentrated economic growth and growing debt burden. The $14 million will be used for the construction scheduled for all of the new projects district wide.
The success of the School Bond 2014 has begun. This Bond promises to be an exciting capital construction upgrade for the District and the entire Hebbronville community. The architects and the design team are near the completion of the designing of all projects.
As design team wraps up the additions and renovations to Jim Hogg County ISD capital projects, advertising will begin in the next couple of weeks for pricing of the various trades for the complex projects. The goal is to have a Guaranteed Maximum Price for the Board to consider. Construction should begin shortly thereafter.
Resurfacing of the Track
(Completed Spring 2015)

Hebbronville Junior High School Roof Replacement
(In Progress Spring 2015)

Hebbronville Elementary School HVAC Mechanical Upgrade
(In Progress Summer 2015)